Juice powder concentrate and systemic blood pressure, progression of coronary artery calcium and antioxidant status in hypertensive subjects: A pilot study

Houston MC, Cooil B, Olafsson BJ, Raggi P; Dec. 2007


The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of a proprietary encapsulated fruit, vegetable and berry juice powder concentrate (FVB) on markers of cardiovascular health and risk in asymptomatic adults.


In this prospective pilot study, 51 adults aged 40 to 75, who were either hypertensive (38) or pre-hypertensive (13), took FVB (Juice Plus+®; 3 capsules twice daily) for 2 years. The participants, who were primarily male (80%) with an average age of 61 years and a coronary artery calcium (CAC) score between 30 and 400 at enrollment, followed their normal diet, exercise program, and lifestyle. At baseline, 1 year, and the study’s end, the following markers of vascular health were evaluated: CAC, systolic and diastolic blood pressure and arterial compliance. Blood samples and antioxidant status were collected at baseline, 4 and 24 months.  


CAC scores of study participants rose over the 2-year study period, which is typical with increasing age. However, they did not rise as quickly as expected when compared to changes recorded in an historical population, where the annualized change in relative CAC score was 34.7%. In those who took FVB, it was just 26±6% at 12 months and 20±4% after 2 years, indicating the product slowed the progression of arterial calcification.

Other noteworthy changes included significant decreases in systolic and diastolic blood pressure; a significant increase in large artery compliance in the absence of change in body weight; significant decreases in homocysteine, HDL cholesterol, and Apo A; and significantly higher blood levels of antioxidants (beta-carotene, coenzyme Q10, and alpha-tocopherol) and folate compared to baseline.  

Limitations of the study include the lack of a control or placebo group because the comparison of change in CAC to a historical database is not optimal.


“In summary this pilot study showed a favorable effect of an encapsulated juice powder concentrate, made primarily of multiple fruits, vegetables and berries, on several surrogate markers of cardiovascular disease.”

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blood pressure, coronary, antioxidant, hypertension, bioavailability, cardiovascular, vanderbilt, nashville